Submit a Driveway Permit Application & Pay Online

It's easy to submit a driveway permit application and pay online.  Follow these simple instructions:

  1. Open the driveway permit application form below and fill it out. Use the free Acrobat XI Reader. Applicants for driveway permits or land divisions only are not required to sign the permit; merely leave the signature box blank.

  2. In order to save your inputted data, use the "save as" command and NOT the "save" command as doing so will erase the entered information that you just inputted on the form. Be sure to include your last name in the newly created file name, for example: smithdriveway.pdf.

  3. You must use this version of Adobe Reader when submitting your file to us via email as this version of Adobe Reader allows us to edit and complete your application electronically. Using a different version of Adobe will result in your application being sent back to you.

  4. After you have finished using the credit card/PayPal payment option, email the completed form to We ask that you do not submit your permit application electronically if you are planning on mailing your payment instead of using the credit card/PayPal option.

  5. Click the Pay Now button to pay by credit card or your PayPal account. We will begin processing your application when payment and permit application has been received.

Please allow 7 - 10 days for processing.  Unless specified otherwise, your approved permit will be emailed back to you when completed. 

Driveway permit applicants - before we can process your application, the specific location where the proposed driveway is to be built must be clearly staked/flagged.  Until this is done, your application will not be processed.

Follow this link to open the Driveway Permit Application.

Driveway Permit Fees

Submit a Land Division Application & Pay Online

It's easy to submit a permit application and pay online.  Follow these simple instructions:

  1. Open the Land Division permit form below and fill it out. Use the free Acrobat XI Reader.

  2. In order to save your inputted data, use the "save as" command and NOT the "save" command as doing so will erase the entered information that you just inputted on the form. Please include your last name in the newly created file name, for example: smithlanddivision.pdf. Please do not print the completed application and scan/send using a different format.

  3. After you have finished using the credit card/PayPal payment option, email the completed Land Division form to We ask that you do not submit your permit application electronically if you are planning on mailing your payment instead of using the credit card/PayPal option.

  4. Click the Pay Now button below to pay by credit card or your PayPal account. We will begin processing your application when payment and permit application has been received.

Please allow 7 - 10 days for processing.  Unless specified otherwise, your approved permit will be emailed back to you when completed.

Follow these links to open the application for the permit you need.

Land Division


If you are a public utility and need a permit application, please select from the following:

Follow these simple instructions:

  1. Open the utility application form below and fill it out. Use the free Acrobat XI Reader. Each submitted permit application must be digitally signed before submitting to the Road Commission for further processing - no exceptions will be allowed.

  2. In order to save your inputted data, use the "save as" command and NOT the "save" command as doing so will erase the entered information that you just inputted on the form. Please include your last name in the newly created file name, for example: smithutilitypermit.pdf. Please do not print the completed application and scan/send using a different format.

  3. After you have finished using the credit card/PayPal payment option, email the completed utility permit application form to

  4. Click the Pay Now button to pay by credit card or your PayPal account. We will begin processing your application when payment and permit application has been received. If your company has made arrangements for alternative billing, please indicate so in your email.

Please allow 7 - 10 days for processing.  Unless specified otherwise, your approved permit will be emailed back to you when completed.

Application form:

Permit to Place or Maintain Public Utilities in the County Road Right of Way


Special considerations-Commercial Driveways: 

For commercial and multi-residential driveways where HMA paved surface is required by the Road Commission, a $6,000.00 escrow deposit or surety bond is required to guarantee completion of HMA to guarantee completion.  Please contact Engineer Craig Brown at (231) 271-3993 extension 224 for further details.

Permit Application Fees